Donate to the Environmental Science Program
The Environmental Science Program operates solely on its tuition, and by support from its partners such as the Newton Conservators and Green Newton, and contributors we find each year. Like many organizations, we face rising costs for operating space, transportation, postage, and other expenses such as park admission fees. We also try to provide partial tuition scholarships each year to applicants who request financial assistance.
While we will continue to maintain the calendar of activities we have planned each year, we are also committed to keeping the Program as affordable as possible.
Our tuition for the one-month session in 2025 is $2,550 for Newton residents and $2,600 for non-residents. Increased costs due to higher minimum wage, COVID-19 protocols, and transportation expenses require the new rates. Although those costs may be lower than some other outdoor programs, there are still families that cannot afford the full tuition.
If you have an interest in the environment, education for kids, or informed decision-making about the world around us, please consider supporting our program through a tax-deductible financial donation, or an in-kind contribution. We recognize our generous supporters through our communications to our participants and their families, and on our Supporters page.
You can make contributions directly to the Envi Sci Program at the City of Newton website:
If you do not see the Donation page, you will need to use "Select Community" to choose "Newton" from the drop-down menu, and then in the menu block on the left-hand side labelled "Select Bill Type" choose "Donation" and you should choose the option for "Environmental Science Program" in the "Type of Donation" section. You can fill in the other fields, select "Add to Cart" and complete the donation, by echeck (free) or by credit or debit card (2.90% additional fee).
Make donation checks payable to, and mail to:
The Environmental Science Program
c/o Camp Coordinator
246 Dudley Rd
Newton, MA 02459
Please write "donation' in the memo field.
For more information or to make in-kind donations, contact the Camp Coordinator at EnviSci@newtonma.gov or by phone at 617-796-1522 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm).
We will be happy to confirm your tax-deductible contribution with a letter from the Newton Conservation Commission.
Thank you!